S.O.L.I.D. abbreviation covers several solution design principles in
object-oriented design.
* Single-responsibility. Each class should encapsulate only one part of
* Open-closed.
It is actually very simple.
Run the below command in Windows Powershell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object
kubectl cluster-info - Kubernetes info
kubectl config get-clusters - list clusters
kubectl get all - list all entities with corresponding prefixes:
* pod
* service
* daemonset
* deployment
docker login --username=yourhubusername --password=yourpassword - login to
docker build -t dockeraccount/repo:tagname:version path - build image with tag
In order to apply i18n to your Confluence macro you need to specify
i18n-name-key attribute in macro definition:
My Macro Description
The attribute value should